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Side of Ham 3:37 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Debz, you are getting rather ratty & abusive of late.....the kind of thing that stems from touching a raw nerve......

Side of Ham 3:35 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Pickle the only way to get this into your thick skull is to use an analogy that you would hissy fit over in your country......imagine Poland has a community within a community which is Russian and they get to kind of have their own folk deal with any problems that occur because they have different ways of dealing with issues which then leads it to being a fucking big issue. And then your authorities covering up for them because the likes of you may want to go and give them some Polish justice over it......

.....you are such a sanctimonious cunt sometimes Pickle it beggars belief.

Darlo Debs 3:29 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Crassus you are talking utter shit.
Child abuse has been systematically covered up for years. It was covered up by institutions such as the Catholic Church, sports clubs, and even youth offending institutions. ..and when ut wasn't ut wasn't, it certainly wasn't rigorously pursued. Thousands of kids who've been abuses were not believed or didn't speak.out because they were told they'd not be .

The government's own data shows your continued assertions about muslims being more likely to commit these crimes than any other group shows its you that is the one throwing a paddy because the data is showing g up.your lies.

Enjoy your hate filled hissy fits you misogynist idiot.

Crassus 3:19 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.

I've not commented upon TR have I?

I don't doubt he has a questionable track record, don't follow him and his contempt of court was idiotic given it's unambiguous signposting
However, on the matter of the Muslim grooming gangs he was correct

Of child abuse no, it is not generally covered up, it is pursued and addressed with vigour, it was conspiratorially buried, across the piste in the case of the Muslim issue

And, as it happens, they are entirely different from other nonce gangs as anyone grasping a scintilla of reality will recognise - as concluded, most damagingly, this was/is a means of cultural expression more than sexual gratification

It is for that reason their existence was buried, until they could no longer given the shear magnitude of the problem

Anyway, who am I to stand in the way of a dopey tart throwing a paddy, you can't educate pork - you plough on petal, skweem and skweem until you make yourself sick(er)

Hammer and Pickle 3:02 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
.... and of course you are so dense you haven't realised that this kind of braindead reaction is exactly what motivates those in positions of responsibility to conceal this kind of crime from public opinion. You are the section that cannot be trusted with information of this kind, and while it doesn't justify a cover up, it certainly reveals its basis.

Darlo Debs 3:02 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Crassus the facts I was alluding to that were being denied were relating to Robinson criminal.history.

As for the implication that this issue is particularly more prevalent in.Muslims than others is factually wrong .
Whoever the victims were.

I didn't not claim.there aren't Muslim.men that aren't part of grooming gangs nor did I deny cover ups. In fact I stated that child abuse is generally covered up

My response isn't an emotional.one .

Leavemyarcelona 2:54 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
I'm just glad people like Hammer and Sickle and Nazi Dubs are a minority

Leavemyarcelona 2:52 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Hammer and Sickle

Yep, them and the authorities absolutely. Why wouldn't anyone attack them?

Inciting criminal activity? Like what lol

Crassus 2:52 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
DD there is only one person offering 'emotional.respondes' as you put it - you

I was addressing a matter of systemic abuse by geographically widespread but demographically limited perpetrators - Muslim males and their female subordinates - and the collective establishment suppression of the FACTS

This is not a matter of ethnic origin or skin colour, as I said, it started against girls of Indian descent

Neither a valid opportunity for an 'emotional.respondes' along the lines of 'white' nonces existing

There is only one of us without a grasp of the matter and that is the highly strung, menopausal, public sector and idealistic nitwit who can't see the reality woods for the mental fog of the trees

Side of Ham 2:50 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Thankfully Pickle doesn't have any say just an ability to post on an English based football forum so ignore the cunt who ran back to Poland before this would have been any issue for him.

Debz you've numerous times got heavily involved with the accusation that Brexit was wanted by those who wanted to stop immigration altogether now you are squirming to distance yourself from that after being made aware of the 'freedom' bit of the movement to the UK was the issue not immigration as a whole as it was a heavy strain on those who had to live in areas badly affected by the influx (you don't by the way) it was then pointed out that anyone racist would have wanted us to stay in the EU surely, as those with the freedom to move from Europe were mainly Eastern Europeans and white and were not shall we say overly pleased/used to our multicultural society.

The fact that you are on here and bad mouthing says what it needs to say about you and your left leaning agenda....

Hammer and Pickle 2:43 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Okaaay tiger, that's the kind of "messenger" you are.

You are going to attack the grooming gangs to demonstrate how you feel about this. No doubt, you are going to encourage others of similar sentiment to join you in your project, maybe even organise the logistics.

You do realise you are inciting criminal activity here with all the consequences that implies, don't you? Or are you too thick to work that out, Leavemyarcelona?

Darlo Debs 2:40 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Now joyo.where would be the fun.in that?

Darlo Debs 2:38 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Crassus I know there were cover ups. Child abuse is normally covered whether the abuse is being g dine by Muslims or Catholic priests or TV personalities..

Marry where have I said anything that isn't fact?

Sorry if facts are nd you can only cope with emotional.respondes that support your world view.

Leavemyarcelona 2:34 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Hammer and Sickle

I have every right ya nonce. No one is attacking muslims, they are attacking grooming gangs who happened to be muslims, described by their Victims. Are you now saying we aren't allowed to be frustrated by the way authorities have covered this up and allowed this to happen?

You are part of the problem

joyo 2:34 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Hopefully Darlo Debs goes back to Greenham Common and loses her phone signal again for few more months

Darlo Debs 2:31 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Side that is no.you specifically accused me of race baiting., are unable to substantiate that sombre moving the goal.posts

My beef with Brexit has always been that I do not trust the government we have to have the best interests of it citizens at heart and certainly don't give a toss about workers rights., and that is true. Damage done to.the economy is obviously also an issue..
This isn't about Brexit though so.stop trying to make it about that. If you really think I am.a nazi then you are pathetic.

The only people wanting to close down free speech here are those who'd support groups like the EDL.and BNP who are authoritarian right wing groups.

But crack.on.with.your insane ramblings

Hammer and Pickle 2:23 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
You have no right to say I am more outraged by the messenger than by the crime. The topic under discussion is the attack on Muslims and the UK’s authorities using the crime as a pretext and taking advantage of you and your frustrations. That the crime is an outrage and the criminals are guilty of grooming and pedophilia is not open to question. Leavemyarcelona indeed - you grotesque creep.

martyboy 2:21 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Joyo, people judge him on his old misdemeanors. If any of them took time to watch that link i first posted up, it includes a bit where you hear his 11 year old son asking why/how people have his phone number and were phoning him up treating him!! His 11 for Christ sake!! Its all well and good having a pop, but you have no right to comment on this subject unless you have knowledge of it. And for that you have to watch it. As for the pissed up Pole, and just plain weird Debs, best just ignored.

Crassus 2:20 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
DD, here's a couple of facts for you, there absolutely was a cover up, in fact two concerning Muslim grooming gangs - their first target were 2nd/3rd generation Indian girls in Slough/Southall, then 'troubled' white girls of similar vulnerability

It was matched by unparalleled ineptitude within the lines of inter agency communication and wrapped with individual executive fear of being outed by strident anti racists for identifying a widespread Muslim conspiracy

That is not conjecture but absolute facts - I know because I have read copies of the official reports upon the matters including race riots between Indians and Muslims and how their existence were subject to media suppression for the 'greater good' and image of a successful multi racial society

Leavemyarcelona 2:14 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
Hammer and sickle

You love a big wank don't you?

If we are going to go down that road, then you are the victim of remoaners, Labour playing on your frustrations on not getting your own way in a democratic referendum. Can you provide evidence of his lies and not through bias left wing journalists.

There is a link between these crimes and Muslims. You are literally saying the victims of these vile scumbags are liars. But eh, you are more outraged by who the messenger is and not the crime. It has been covered up, step out of your nonce echo chamber and to some thorough research, listen to the victims.

Who are his controllers? No he has given the victims a voice to share their stories.

As I said the authorities are complicit in covering up these events because they knew the backlash they would let and rightly so. You, like Nazi dubs are the reason these atrocities happen.

I rather be Far Right, concerned for my children's future and the current attack on my country, then be Far Left/wrong. Why do you think Far Right parties across Europe are thriving Now. The majority of normal thinking people have had enough.

Side of Ham 2:13 Wed Jun 28
Re: Tommy Robinson.
I don't have to Debz, it is what it is.....for instance you've never stepped in and said that is an outrageous accusation on any racist comments, you've just joined with the need to hate on people who bothered to use the democratic vote offered to them.

Not surprised you all over this thread looking for posters to put into the Nazi category.....yet here you are getting it back because you want people shut down for having their say.....and getting accused of being a Nazi yourself.

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